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Welcome to Mediakunta!

Mediakunta is a cooperative of journalists and media and communications professionals. We know the industry and provide you with the support of both the Union of Journalists in Finland and your colleagues.


We are a professional working community and our members are under contract to Mediakunta. We handle billing and other such obligations in a cost-effective way, leaving you free to concentrate on your work. We do not aim at profit-making. All fees and any annual profit are used directly for the benefit of our members. The more you work for Mediakunta, the lower your administrative cost. The level of the administrative cost you reach once remains the same until you reach the next, more affordable level . The use of any profit is guided by such things as members’ surveys.


Mediakunta as an employer


As a member of Mediakunta, you are an employee not an entrepreneur. As the employer, we handle your obligations, keep track of your work and working hours, and comply with labour laws and collective agreements.


Joining and fees


By filling in the form below and joining Mediakunta, you will first pay the share capital (€1) and the joining fee (€99), and agree to the cooperative’s statutes and membership contract. Once you have dome the payment via online banking, you will receive your Mediakunta internal members’ login details directly to your email and you can start using the service immediately.


The Mediakunta cooperative is a company and we manage our common finances (operating and administrative costs) from management fees. There are no other costs to be paid by members. The criteria for determining the management fee are set by the annual general meeting of members of the cooperative. As a member, you have a say in the running of the cooperative.


To join and be a member of Mediakunta, you must be a member of the Union of Journalists in Finland. If you are not yet a member of the UJF, please join  here first. You can also join the new Open Unemployment Fund, the A-fund. For more information on cooperatives check out the Pellervo-Seura website.


Contact us if you have any questions on Mediakunta’s activities and costs. Also check out our Frequently asked questions. We will keep you posted about events and developments on our website.


More information:

Become a member of Mediakunta
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